Our Services

Support for Authors

Many factors influence publishers when acquiring a work. Luck plays a large part – a publisher’s list may be full, or they may already have scheduled similar works. Many factors within the author’s control, however, can greatly increase the chance of a deal.


While not charging for these services, NAC Literary may advise authors how to go about accessing valuable resources such as:

  1. Editing/proofreading/scriptwriting
  2. Social media and e-marketing
  3. Author-helping-author initiatives
  4. Public speaking and media training (invaluable to authors about to be published)


All NAC authors can expect extensive support including:

  1. Definitions, explanations and guidance notes on topics such as writing author bios, writing blurbs, manuscript formatting, document security, editing standards and editor selection, manuscript preparation and presentation, plot summaries, publisher submissions, synopses, vanity press, what publishers look for first, and other topics), guidance on whether to go offshore and which markets to focus on
  2. Pitching to acquisitions editors known to have an appetite for works in your genre
  3. Contract negotiation, tactics, disposal of international (country and/or language) rights and sub-leases
  4. Script marketing (if the work seems to have film or TV potential)
  5. Tips on Increasing e-book sales
  6. Planning your own marketing and promotions campaigns (to run in conjunction with your publisher’s)