Author’s Comments
‘NAC’s Review Panel is dedicated to enabling authors at various stages of their careers to fulfil their potential’.
Comments from Authors
Authors sometimes comment on their NAC’s manuscript review and editorial process; these are broadly represented.
- “I would like to acknowledge the outstanding support Andrea has given me, as well as the feedback from the beta readers. There have been moments when I wanted to throw in the towel, frozen by a lack of confidence or clarity in how to make the next move. She has figuratively held my hand, brainstormed me through the fog and generously shared her editorial skills to get this novel to where it is now. I know this experience and my new skills will make my next project progress far more smoothly. I am very grateful to her and look forward to working together in the future.”
- “I’d also like to tell you that I really enjoyed the review process and particularly my discussions with Sue. As I’m sure you know, she is gold! While she encouraged me to dig deeper, she never tried to dictate how I should do it. I feel confident that the rewrites (not insignificant, I added three new chapters, and did a solid edit on the rest) have improved the quality of the book.”
- “Many thanks for the chat and the comprehensive feedback. I have had a first look at it and am impressed with the thoroughness and relevance of the comments. It makes me feel quite privileged and humbled that people would spend their time reviewing my work in such detail.”
- “The system is terrific. So many things to think about, and a lot of great suggestions worth considering. These notes are fabulous and very helpful. Fascinating stuff. I’ll be back to you with the revision. I’m extremely grateful to the readers and to you, Denise, for pulling it together. That must have been a monumental editing job, and I’m grateful for the time and effort you put into it.”
- “Michael, I’ve been busy trying to implement the wonderful advice I received from NAC’s Reader-reviewers and Denise that I haven’t had a minute. The advice I received was just what I needed. It was balanced, in so far as there were good things to be said, as well as well-argued critical positions; that is, it was comprehensive and went into the novel in considerable depth, providing me with suggestions, some forcefully offered, others as matters for consideration, but all useful on structure, plot, and the characters and some of their supernumeraries; on language and syntax where my mangled usage caused some problems. It was the kind of critical assistance I wish I‘d had earlier in the writing process, but it is not too late! I received several pages of considered assistance, which I am using as a guide to the further work I do on the book.”