

NAC Literary is committed to our authors’ success, their stories and readers, through guidance backed by international commercial expertise.

NAC Rights Agency operates a boutique literary rights agency representing NAC Literary’s own list of authors, as well as Australian, Canadian, UK and US indie publishers seeking wider exposure for titles with genuine international potential.

To Date

Launched August 2015, NAC’s list soon expanded to include more established authors seeking to revitalise their careers through greater exposure in offshore markets.

NAC consistently gets results. A little over half of our authors whose manuscripts complete NAC’s review and editorial process are signed, usually offshore and for world rights, a proud record consistent with our CEO’s breadth of international experience. NAC’s genuinely collaborative approach to gaining wide exposure for our titles includes authors’ participation in NAC Book Club, each widely supporting others on our list editorially, promotionally, practically.

Since launch, NAC has represented 30 authors in deals covering more than 50 books, several with first refusal rights for their next book, several as multi-book contracts.

The Future

NAC’s primary focus is on adult fiction including romantic comedy, men’s and women’s commercial, upmarket and literary fiction, a particular interest in historical fiction and psychological thrillers.

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